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Guide for - How to - Tips Application

Guide for - How to - Tips Application

“GUIDE FOR – HOW TO – TIPS” is an app who help you to create your own app content fast, for example you can create guide for any other popular apps like the guide for whatsapp, guide for GTA , guide for subway and …

Also you can create an app to explain how to do something or how to use something, finally you can create app for tips like tips for fitness, tips for …., Really is very easy to use it.


  • Android Studio & Eclipse Support.
  • Easy to reskin.
  • Material Design.
  • Support RTL .( We add this feature in the new version)
  • Save data in SQLite database.
  • Support HTML Content or Normal text.
  • Admob banner / Interstitial Integrated.

Guide for - How to - Tips Application

Guide for - How to - Tips Application

Guide for - How to - Tips Application

“GUIDE FOR – HOW TO – TIPS” is an app who help you to create your own app content fast, for example you can create guide for any other popular apps like the guide for whatsapp, guide for GTA , guide for subway and …

Also you can create an app to explain how to do something or how to use something, finally you can create app for tips like tips for fitness, tips for …., Really is very easy to use it.


  • Android Studio & Eclipse Support.
  • Easy to reskin.
  • Material Design.
  • Support RTL .( We add this feature in the new version)
  • Save data in SQLite database.
  • Support HTML Content or Normal text.
  • Admob banner / Interstitial Integrated.

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