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Recordio (Swift4, iOS 11, iPhone X, multi)

Recordio (Swift4, iOS 11, iPhone X, multi)


  • Unlimited category
  • Unlimited radio station
  • Record function (only direct stream link and content type audio/mpeg)
  • Delete tracks recordings
  • Background play
  • Continuous play
  • Forward and backward track
  • Remote access to control the player
  • Find tracks in iTunes
  • Find cover image in iTunes
  • Update information on lockscreen ( name track, name radio, cover image)
  • Flat design
  • Google Admob support
  • Play: AAC, MP3 support
  • Record: only audio/mpeg support
  • Enable / disable the banners in the configuration file
  • Easy access to recorded files using iTunes
  • Compatible with iOS 8.x – 10.x
  • Made for Xcode 8.2
  • Swift 3
  • Playlist – Json file
  • Documentation include
  • Step by Step Guide to configure the application

Recordio (Swift4, iOS 11, iPhone X, multi)

Recordio (Swift4, iOS 11, iPhone X, multi)

Recordio (Swift4, iOS 11, iPhone X, multi)


  • Unlimited category
  • Unlimited radio station
  • Record function (only direct stream link and content type audio/mpeg)
  • Delete tracks recordings
  • Background play
  • Continuous play
  • Forward and backward track
  • Remote access to control the player
  • Find tracks in iTunes
  • Find cover image in iTunes
  • Update information on lockscreen ( name track, name radio, cover image)
  • Flat design
  • Google Admob support
  • Play: AAC, MP3 support
  • Record: only audio/mpeg support
  • Enable / disable the banners in the configuration file
  • Easy access to recorded files using iTunes
  • Compatible with iOS 8.x – 10.x
  • Made for Xcode 8.2
  • Swift 3
  • Playlist – Json file
  • Documentation include
  • Step by Step Guide to configure the application

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