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Android Hotel App

Android Hotel App

  • Full control over the content via simple .xml file;
  • 7 Screens: Home, Reservation, Rooms, Rates, Facilities, Gallery and Location;
  • Left Sliding Menu;
  • Facebook link, Twitter link and TripAdvisor link in the footer;
  • You can use both local and online .xml file;
  • (New) Internal Reservation Form;
  • (New) Push Notifications.
If you have question, please first visit the Support Tab for more information and FAQs.
Please before purchase read carefully the product’s features and the content of the Support Tab. If you have any questions about the functionality, please ask them before purchase – we will be glad to answer you and to clear all doubts about the product

Android Hotel App

Android Hotel App

Android Hotel App

  • Full control over the content via simple .xml file;
  • 7 Screens: Home, Reservation, Rooms, Rates, Facilities, Gallery and Location;
  • Left Sliding Menu;
  • Facebook link, Twitter link and TripAdvisor link in the footer;
  • You can use both local and online .xml file;
  • (New) Internal Reservation Form;
  • (New) Push Notifications.
If you have question, please first visit the Support Tab for more information and FAQs.
Please before purchase read carefully the product’s features and the content of the Support Tab. If you have any questions about the functionality, please ask them before purchase – we will be glad to answer you and to clear all doubts about the product

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